Interview of Radek Matuszewski by Luc Bretones
This interview highlights key concepts of shared governance, cultural transformation, and the challenges faced during the process. Radek MATUSZEWSKI initially worked in a company that didn't align with his values, ambitions, and had weak management. Frustration grew due to a lack of cooperation between the local team and the head...
Minimalism, Simplicity, Sobriety: the solutions for our organizations clogged with bad cholesterol
The major trend in global management that I observed in about thirty countries while writing my book "The Next Generation Enterprise" is moving towards more participation, more autonomy, and collaboration. By this, I mean organizational governance that decentralizes authority, develops autonomy and the accompanying responsibility, transparency, and the trust that...
Management : 3 pratiques innovantes made in Colombie
Pour optimiser ses pratiques de management, il faut parfois prendre de la distance… Et s’inspirer de ce qui se fait ailleurs. C’est avec cette approche exploratoire que notre expert en nouvelles gouvernances, Luc Bretones, vous propose un voyage sur les terres de l’innovation managériale. Nouvelle escale en Colombie, où culture...